
We have collected some really great testimonials down through the years that we are very proud of. We hope you think so too!

Some kind words from our customers

We love to hear from our customers. If you would like to submit your own experience of our services you can do so here:

“Dan Devane is a fantastic wedding videographer to work with from a hotel perspective, always diligent and working to catch every little bit that happens on your wedding day.”

Thys Vogels

Hotel Manager Ballygarry Estate Hotel Spa

“I am always thrilled to see Dan walk in the door of The Rose on the day of a wedding. Dan is a pleasure to work with. He is so accommodating and friendly. From my point of view as a wedding planner, he is always polite and goes about his work almost unnoticed but gets the job done! His work is top notch and would have no problem recommending.”

Madeleine Doyle

Wedding Coordinator - The Rose Hotel

“As Kerry’s only Castle Hotel we are happy to recommend Dan Devane. He is professional, courteous and the feedback wedding couples has always been positive. We look forward to a continued friendship and positive working relationship.”

Rory O’Sullivan

Owner - Ballyseede Castle

Enquire now

Feel free to give me a call and we can discuss all the details of your special day. Alternatively, send me an email and I will respond within 24 hours.